Wednesday, November 04, 2009

I'm copping off..... I mean I'm copping out...

I feel the need to explain why I have copped out of going on a little adventure. Maybe, I need to jot down these thoughts, more so for me, to justify not going traveling in my break.

The plan was to load up my leather money carrier and head off on some self indulgent travel experience, somewhere uncharted and untouched by my small impressionable fingertips. I flirted immensely with the idea of a jaunt around India, I even bought the travel guide. I also dipped into the idea of a few months around Venezuela/Columbia/Ecuador. Again, I even bought a travel guide for Columbia. Plans were being made, flight prices were compared, Visa rulings were researched, climate assessments in relation to 'when to go' were also checked and noted. Some people said, 'oh my god, you must go there", or, "well, yeah, I haven't been, but have always wanted to go, I'm so jealous, you're going to have the most amazing time". Of course, I would have had an amazing time. I'm not denying those facts. I thought a lot, every night, (which is something I seem to do a lot, I limit my brain use during the day, which is probably the time when it should be most active) about what type of experience I wanted. If I was 20-23, fresh off the University boat, still sporting my baggy and wet bottomed alternative style jeans and questionable hair style, then maybe a 'life changing' exploration of another country is what the 'life' doctor would have prescribed. However, I'm growing up, turned 27 yesterday, and instead, feel like going on an adventure with a partner. With somebody who can share it all with. I don't want to get all cheesy, and sickly, by going on about why it would be good to share this with a partner, as I think it's all too obvious. But just, sitting here now, justifying, to all, as to why I have chosen to put that travel trip into the drawer labeled "To do before I'm 40", and embark on a  different adventure of, studying Korean relentlessly for the next 3/4 months. No regrets...!

A delicate fog descended upon Elmfield Road the other night. It was a damp, chilly and mysterious fog that nestled itself between every nook and cranny available, except the area surronding the Post Box, very mysterious indeed......

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