Thursday, October 18, 2007

Red Class

Went on a science trip today. Well it was a space adventure park if you like. Lots of things to do, to watch and to experiment with. There was a huge spaceship bouncy castle which I stupidly went into and struggled to get out again. Also there was a big show where the presenter guy talked to the kids (our whole school and 2 others) and said what happened in a spaceship when it's on a mission. They then begun asking for volunteers. I had just come back from the toilet at this point and didn't realise what was going on, so to encourage my kids I put my hand up, not realising that the Korean speaking presenter had just asked for a teacher volunteer. So up I went. I was demonstrating how astronauts sleep..... standing up!
It was OK.
Picture is of my Red Class, the younger of the two classes.

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