Saturday, December 22, 2007

Take That

Christmas has come around so quickly. It signals my five months in Korea. I have no complaints at all. Someone asked me what my biggest culture shock was. Theirs was when they headed to Canada and discovered ‘The Jerry Springer Show’ – I can empathise with her on this. However, I haven’t experienced a culture shock that has stuck in my mind so much that I feel I can express it to another person. Does this mean that I have settled in well and that not much fazes me? Or does it mean that it’s all one big culture shock and I’m still living within the bubble of the shock? Who knows? I don’t really care to be honest.

Anyway enough sappy shite. It’s a mere two days or so till Christmas starts and a further 24 hours later it will be finished. So why the hell do we all look forward to it for so long? Moving on…..

I’m more excited about the arrival of Manksi Pants from Himley Towers, Tooting Broadway, London. (I won’t divulge the postcode as there’s no need – if you’re cool enough to know where the ‘towers’ are, you’ll have been there already). He arrives at 8:05am on Sunday. Giovanna, Myself and Chris Utton are going to make the journey to the airport and surprise him with a professionally made banner. I say professional as we are all kindergarten teachers now and making things look fun and childlike is second nature to us – and if you know Manksi Pants then you will know that he’s ‘fun and child like’.

Then the fun will begin. Not much planned yet. Just see what happens and where the day will take us, but I’m hoping to get MP some good food, drink and then whisk him off to a Norae-bang to stretch his vocal cords to some Take That.

To Be Continued……………………..

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