The first picture is of BLUE class. This is my classroom. I teach, eat lunch, rest, plan and most of all, do my day job in this room. I share this room with my co-teacher Christine. As you know, we share RED and BLUE classes. When I teach in blue, she teaches in red, Visa Versa, it isn't rocket science. I've become attached to my room. I decorated it, Christine and I furnished it. The chairs are very small but surprisingly comfortable at times. I do have my own swivel recliner, but it's good to be at the same height as the kids.

The second picture is of a side street in Bucheon. This is where Giovanna and I spend most Thursday evenings. We sip on our coffees from Starbucks and share stories from the week. The chats range from the usual "How was you day?", "What did you do last night?" type questions, to the more exciting "You'll never guess what I did last night?" or "Has your sexy Doctor called you yet, Giovanna?"..... Other topics tend to be discussed, for example; future travel plans, dating, drinking adventures, emotions, love stories, funny kids and their crazy mothers, Korean cultural experiences. ETC. This weekly installment has become quite therapeutic for the both of us I feel. Not that much bad does happen in Korea (I mean the mood, in general, is that of a positive and progressive nature - no slouching and moaning here, thank you very much), but when it does it's great to have a close friend to off-load onto. I think Giovanna will agree.
Oh, by the way. In the winter time, I have Coffee Latte, two brown sugars, Grande! She has Chai-Tea Latte, as it comes, Tall size. Summer Time. I'll have the Iced-Latte, two brown sugars, Grande! She'll have the Mocha Frappachino, as it comes, Tall size (Grande if its been a hard day).
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