I now know what it’s like to be a parent, (sorry, am starting to understand what it might feel like). I have been nursing my brigade of babies for nearly a year now. I have started to notice their individual personalities and habits in relation to my behaviour.
Case Study: Sarah.
You may recall that I have raved on about this angel a few times. The cutest girl. The cutest laugh. The cutest expressions when happy, sad, confused and embarrassed, basically any emotion she finds herself in, she manages to make it rub off with a cute, cat eyed expression.
I realised that my attitude towards her has changed, I have given her less and less attention as time went on. It’s natural to recline in your giving to someone over a period of time. In a grown up relationship this is, in a way, acceptable (to a certain degree) because you’re both grown up and have a mutual level of understanding. In this case, Sarah is only four years old. I need to maintain a constant level of love for her and every other child for that matter. I created my own situation by giving her SO much love and attention from the start. If I begin to drop that level of ‘love giving’ then she will notice and wonder why I don’t love her anymore and her mood will change, which has happened.
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