I have purchased a new fridge. Check it out. How funky and cool is this piece of genius kitchen electronics? I have been searching for a second hand fridge for a couple of weeks. I went to a few second hand places only to be out-priced and shunted in the face due to my location. I had then resorted to buying a new one online. However, I thought I’d make use of a free, lazy and extremely humid Sunday to give the second hand option one last shot. I suppose you could liken it to England throwing on the lanky piece of leg-ware Peter Crouch in the last ten minutes, a last ditch desperate attempt to salvage something from a bleak situation. Ok, maybe not the same, but you catch my drift.
Anyway, I subway-ed myself to Bucheon (4 stops from Oyrudong) and started popping in and out of shops. My eyes lit up at the sight of this little beauty. It ticked all my boxes of criteria. Medium sized? CHECK. Small freezer compartment? CHECK? Price range? CHECK. Added bonus of bringing some kind of comedic value to my new retro style kitchen? Umm, CHECK!!!!!
So I hereby welcome you to my new best friend. I’m going to call it Rosey. Not particularly original or creative, but sometimes simplicity offers enough. I have also decided that it’s going to be a canvas for people’s creative flow. So, feel free to contribute in any way your creative desire wishes. Send pictures, Polaroid’s, sketches, illustrations, or better still come over and free-hand your inspiration. I declare ‘Rosey’; public property.
Also, a quick flashback to last week. A very brief but comedic conversation I had with a 7-year old kid in my class. His name is Glen. He has been studying English for two years. His level is still very low though. Sentences are short, grammatically incorrect and simple at best. His personality is rather disgusting. His fingers are constantly rooted up his nose and I once caught him licking sugar off the floor. Anyway, he had me crying the other day.
I had the class doing a short writing exercise. Glen seemed distracted. He stood up and his chair fell back onto the floor, due to the weight of his backpack on the chair. He hadn’t noticed this and went to sit down. He fell to the ground. I got annoyed at him and shouted.
Toby Teacher: Glen!! Have you finished your writing?????
Glen: No.
Toby Teacher: Then why are you sitting on the floor?
Glen: because my chair is confused.
Literally, couldn’t stop laughing.
Love Glens comment. Kids are so simple and entertaining.
ReplyDeletei want ur fridge..