OK, apologies for my second blog in the space of a few hours but I saw this piece of Ice on the side of the road and I thought that it was worthy of a mention. The piece of ice itself doesn't carry that much significance or substance within this blog but the message is that it's very cold here and that it stays very cold 24/7. My dear friend Giovanna made a similar comment on her blog about the weather here in Korea. She has inspired me to do the same.
I have never experienced such potent, prolonged freezing temperatures. Back in good old England it would hit -3, The Sun newspaper would announce that it's all Tony Blair's fault (global warming/extreme weather changes over the last 10 years), they would run a small front page campaign about how we should all share bath water, turn our TV's off standby, recycle bank receipts, sleep with our eyes open and never stop in a grid riddled yellow box. Then a mere 48 hours later it will be 5, 6, or 7 degrees again - panic over.
In good old Korea it hit -3 about 3 weeks ago and hasn't risen above that temperature since. OK, maybe a slight exaggeration but only a VERY slight one. This block of ice that I present to you sits calmly at a set off traffic lights on my way to work. It has been sitting there minding its own business for around 2 weeks now, which is when we had a generous falling of snow. I'm thinking of naming it. In fact I'm going to name it - I hereby name the block of ice....... Rick. I liken it to Rick as he too used to sit on the sofa minding his own business for around 2 weeks!!! Love you Rick.
Cant see Rick ! the ice block I mean. Clicked on your link but no picture of Rick appears Shame, want to see Rick before he melts!!