I must just apologise for the lack of blog submission that has happened over the last 10 or so days. I have been having far too much fun to even contemplate writing it into words, words that will only manage do demeanour the ecstatic level of fun that is true to life. On Sunday the 23rd December, my very good friend Chris Manski arrived from London. Giovanna and I made a rather fantastic sign to welcome him at the airport. See primary image. So we sat on the bus making our way back into Seoul, Manski was to my right, as we exchanged short snappy conversation. On stepping off the bus our first port of call was to wonder where the sign had gone……. Manski had left it on the bus. Mug!! However, it seemed like such a small thing at the time – we didn’t need the sign, we had the real thing with us! All 6 foot something of it lurching its way down Oryuding High Street like some piece of cheese in the bread aisle at Sainsbury’s.
Soon we had worked our way through some food and we were singing, our hearts out to Take That, in a Noraebang – like I promised you all. Then all of a sudden it was Christmas Eve, then Christmas Day, then I was back to work on Boxing Day. Giovanna and Chris did the rounds of the various tourist traps of Seoul as I mustered up a few ingenious lesson plans to wow a few 5-13 year old South Koreans cuties. The weekend had landed and it was time for more excursions into Seoul’s finest bar and clubbing spots. News Eve arrived, passed and became New Years Day. It was now 2008 – life is going so quickly! It does when you have fun….. so why don’t we just stop having fun!!???!!
So to summarise Christmas was FANTASTIC, New Years Eve was FANTASTIC and having so many lovable people around during the festive break was ever so more than FANTASTIC. Various pics of MANKSI IN SEOUL 07/08.

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