I thought I would just mention that at the beginning of March we will have a whole new set of Kindergarten kids. Well a large majority of the existing bunch will graduate and leave Kids Herald School. Some will come into our afternoon classes and some will depart for good. My pink and red classes will move up a year and probably be taught by other teachers. This opens the door for me to have two entirely new classes. I'm a little nervous about this but also it will be exciting times. The new red class will be four year olds. They will have never been without their mummies, for more than a few hours, before they arrive into my capable (???) hands. Apparently they poo, wee, cry and scream for their mummies all day long for the first two months. But I have been reminded that I need to teach them A-Z and some numbers, colours and if possible some decent English manners as well........ It's going to be the biggest challenge I think I will ever be faced with - I SERIOUSLY can't believe what I am doing - I'm basically going to be babysitting a group of 4 year olds who don't speak a word, or letter for that matter, of my language.....If someone said to me a year ago that this is what I would be doing I would have politely told them to get real, f**k off and start talking some sense.
The picture is of nothing particular - it's a photoshop tampered photo of me digging into a massive portion of Kimchi.
Good Luck with the new groups of children - should be fun!! Why are you wearing a bandage on your wrist in this picture - is it to help you eat even more of this famous dish!!??