Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"Where the hell do you think you have been?"

 A nice view of thriving modern city, from an old vintage setting.

OK...... been a while huh? Yeah yeah yeah, I know, I said I had all these big ideas for my blog once I got back to Korea, like the format would be refreshed, enthralling and dripping with juicy, plump originality etc. But hey, what can I do? Sometimes things pan out differently against ones will. This will be my excuse. Things changed.

Some of you lucky enough to be really close to me, haha, will know that I have given my all to studying Korean. For those of you that aren't lucky enough to be close to me, and had no idea that was what I was doing, well, that is what I have been doing. I have spent on average 4/5 hours a day studying. Why? Because my brain isn't as efficient as others and I need to put in the extra work to get the same results as those others, with those natural absorbing brains, I hate those people.

I'll use this as an example. You know car oil? Well, I'm the cheap stuff you buy in a local garage, usually in the bright yellow plastic bottle, and other people, they're the GX, Multi Action, Super lubricating car oil, that comes packaged in the bomb proof, sexy silver bottles, and costs thrice as much (also comes with a free packet of XXX strong mints).

Struggling to think about things that would possibly interest you about the past month or so. Instead I will brief you briefly on the next week or so. Tomorrow I have my final test, and it's the mother of all tests, SPEAKING. Thursday is graduation. Friday, move out of my mini house/room. Saturday, take a boat ride to Fukuoka, Japan, in order to get my visa. Take some pictures, walk around and take it all in. Wednesday, come back. Thursday, start work. Friday, sign contract for new house. Get keys. Saturday, find a bed, fridge, sofa, chair, table, desk, cabinets, washing machine, toilet roll, in other words, my house has nothing...... Sunday, hopefully get very excited about my new house, whilst rummaging around cleaning and arranging. But, possibly, will discover things here and there that I didn't discover when I looked around first off. Example, when I moved into my house last year, I discovered that there wasn't a sink in the bathroom. Quite a shock at first, but soon adapted.

OK.... Here's a quick demo of where my Korean is at. I wrote this to my Korean friend, who lives in London. In Korean it says.......... (English Below)

지금은 홍대 PC빙에서 이메일을 써요. 오늘 공부하러 학교에갔어. 재미있어서 기분이좋아. 이본주에 복숩수업 많이 있어. 왜냐하면 다음주 화요일부터 듣기하고 쓰기하고 읽기하고 말하기 시험이 있어. 그 다음에 학기를 끝날거예요. 반 친구는 친절하고 재미있어서 보고싶어요. 그런데 일주일에 반 친구를 한번 만나려고 해요. 아마더
오늘 비가 오서 모두사람은 우산을 가지고왔어. 오늘 영국날씨가 어댔서???
한국날씨하고 영국날씨 중에서 어디가 더좋아요?
영국이 한국보다 날씨가 더 좋아요.

Now, I'm in a PC room, in Hongdae, writing an email. Today I went to school in order to study. It was interesting, so I'm feeling good. This week I have lots of review classes because next week, from Tuesday, I have listening, writing, reading and speaking tests. After that my course will finish. My class friends are fun, I will miss them. But, I plan to meet them once week, maybe more.
Today, it's raining, so everyone brought their umbrellas. What was the weather like in the United Kingdom today?
Which is better, Korean or British weather?
I prefer British weather to Korean weather........

Not bad huh??? Wrote this in about 20 mins.....

Much Love to all.....


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