Stop sitting there moaning about your country being in a financial boo hoo, get up and sample something completely refreshing and insanely rewarding. Come and teach in Korea. Why aren't you here already? Is a question, I would ask you. A question you might ask yourself is "Why not?". There's no small print when it comes to Korea. Everything everyone tells you is true. Artificial temptations are; the good pay that you'll receive, the free housing you will receive and the hero status the kids and mothers will give you, most of the time. Other huge selling points to this country are; its culture and food, its big city, its smaller cities, its energy and tradition. If you're in limbo about what to do next, then come, get on that plane (which your company will pay for by the way), don't waste anymore time.
See you soon....... (maybe)
just caught up on your last few blogs. That writing practice looks brilliant. I know languages dont come naturally to you (or most of us) so your progress is very impressive. Just looked at the weather for Seoul and it looks great - cold but sunny. I was checking weather cos i should be doing 10 miles walking today as part of the MW training but using the rain and forecast of more as an excuse to stay home and get on with the decorating (guest room and bathroom). wizxx