Sunday, June 01, 2008

My Weekend

The weekend has passed by. Quite a busy one. Friday night I took myself over to a Korean friend’s house, I won’t mention their name, to save them the embarrassment that this may/will/would cause. We shared food, drink and much more drink. I found a nice little bottle of Chianti, a few weeks back, in my local shop. It costs around £9.00 and it even has the Italian Export stamp on it. It tastes like it should do. So a bottle of that was drunk with our meal. Then we moved onto a Korean drink called Bekseju. It’s a Soju Wine if you like. Soju for the lady. A few bottles of it was drunk at a pace that an ‘Old Irishman’ would be proud to associate himself with. Anyway, we decided it was time to head to a club for some dancing. This was always our plan. Ten minutes into our cab journey it was time to turn around and head home. The unnamed persons comfort zone had been taken over by double (possibly triple) vision and a wave of stomach clenches that ultimately resulted in…….. you know!!!

Saturday arrived and I headed out of my neighbourhood and into Yongsan Electronics market. I recently purchased a BIGGER lens for my camera. I therefore, now, needed to purchase a BIGGER camera bag to fit my new lens, old lens and existing accessories in. I got one, job done.

I walked out of the market and heard the floor tremble. Nothing to worry about though, it was the commencement of the ‘Dance Festival’ just around the corner. I sat for a couple of hours and took some snaps.

NO to US beef...........................

Later, at around 6:31pm, I met Yoori, a newly acquired friend. We met at City Hall, Exit 2. We planned to attend the ‘US Beef’ protest. It was quite over whelming. Thousands upon thousands soon swamped the area, as the streets coming and going from City Hall closed down to traffic, 10, 20, 30 thousand people all sat and chanted, danced, light candles, sung, waved and ceremonially supported the same cause from start to finish. We departed to have some Thai food. I had Chicken and Yoori had seafood.

Sunday arrived and I headed to Yeouido for some cycling and a cold beer. I was meeting fellow teacher/Englishman/Norwich-ite friend Chris and his girlfriend Hyojoo. I arrived early. I again heard the floor tremble. Nothing to worry about though, it was some traditional Korean drums being played by some traditionally dressed Koreans. I sat for 30 minutes, abused the use of my newly acquired zoooooooooooom lens and waited patiently for the arrival of said people. They arrived and we cycled along the impressively wide ‘Han River’. The sun was slowly setting as we made up way up, down and around the rivers banks. I arrived home a short time ago. That was my weekend.

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