Photo: Angela on the left. Kelly on the right. I think they're growing up way too quickly. They already know all my jokes and are clearly not impressed by my latest attempt at forcing happiness upon them.... haha.
Her name is Emily. She's 7/8 years old. Korean. Using English as her second language. The class was creative writing. I gave her 3 key words. The 1st being a person (Chris Teacher), the 2nd being a place (Candy Shop) and lastly, 3rd, was an action (Swimming in Milk). No more information or guidance was given. Just think, brainstorm and write until I say stop. This is what she did.
Once upon a time, the Chris Teacher was live in the milk world. The every where is Milk. Example, there's a swimming pool. But It's not water, it's milk. Understand? There don't has water. They only drink milk. And they take shower with a milk! So one time, Chris Teacher is swimming in milk. And he sees a candy shop. He like candys, so he out of the milk swimming pool and went to the candy shop. And buy the candys.
Genius. Even I wouldn't have come up with 'Milk World'. Her use of 'Understand?' is so cute. I was speaking with the other teachers and we think that she has just picked this usage up from us teachers as we are constantly bombarding the kids with it! to see if we're making any sense!!
Going back to the world of Milk. My new world in Korea has a big void. MILK. For those of you that know me well, i.e. Family and Himley Towers crew, you know how much I used to guzzle the cows white stuff. Well, I have given it up. You can get it here, I've tasted it, and it tastes good. I dabble in it now and then. Like an ex gambler and fruit machines, every now and then you throw in a pound or two. I've also given up toast. This one is VERY hard. It's made a little easier that your average loaf of white isn't that tasty here. But a good loaf can be found and has been found in the past.
A trip was made recently, by Anthony and I, to Costco. On walking down one of the high rising aisles I noticed 'Skippy' peanut butter (Crunchy and Smooth - another dilemma in itself). It was perched on the shelf like an over-sized lepricorn on it's pot of gold. It had a big sign above it saying 'Toby, what is wrong with?? Milk?? Bread?? surely you're not going to forget me as well!'
I picked it up, smiled, looked at Anthony, looked back at Skippy, frowned, sighed, looked back at Anthony, whose expression was 'why not?'..... I couldn't do it. The little lepricorn lives on.
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