Leena in background and Sara in pink.
I thought I would start a little corner dedicated to a couple of my best students. They go under the name of Leena and Sara. I have taught them from the day I arrived. They're Elementary students. I teach them for 30 minutes a day. I haven’t really noticed their raise in level until now. The thing with teaching Elementary level is that all the work is in the form of text books. My goal is to teach basic and general one liners. Examples. The giraffe is taller than the cat. What does she want to be? She wants to be a doctor. I can ride a bike, I can’t drive a car. There are a few lemons, they aren’t any apples.
The books come in a range of levels and each book last 2 months. So I have taken them through nearly 4 levels. Until now I have stuck to the book and just got them to work on the phrases provided. However, I have noticed their level rising. So, I have started asking Leena and Sara (Mostly Leena, as her level is MUCH higher) some more testing and diverse questions.
Today I had the following conversation with Leena. She’s 9 years old and being studying English for just a year and 7 months.
Toby Teacher: Would you marry an Englishmen?
Leena: No.
Toby Teacher: Why not?
Leena: Because I don’t like other. I don’t like together, Chinese,
Toby Teacher: Who marry?
Leena: One person from one and another person from
Toby Teacher: Hard?
Leena: Yes and personality is different, which isn’t good.
Few moments later.
Toby Teacher: What age do you think you will get married.
Leena: 27
Toby Teacher: Why?
Leena: Mother and Father get married and they same age.
Few moments later.
Toby Teacher: Should I marry an English woman or a Korean woman?
ALL CLASS: English woman.
Toby Teacher: Why?
Leena: You can’t speak Korean.
Toby Teacher: So, what if she can speak English?
Leena: umm, yes then it’s OK. (BUT she had a big frown on her face – she doesn’t approve)
Few moments later, Leena feels she needs to explain herself further.
Leena: Korean woman ok, good. But you are in harmony?
Toby Teacher: I’m in harmony? What do you mean?
Leena: Umm, you and English woman combin, cimbin…..
Toby Teacher: Combin???
Leena: You and English combined.
Toby Teacher: What? You think I have a wife back home in
Leena: Yes, I think you are married to English woman.
Toby Teacher: No, I’m not.
Toby Teacher: Erin Teacher!! Am I married? (expecting her to say, No!)
Erin Teacher: Yes, yes you are.
ALL CLASS: Really??? Really?? Really???
Hysteria took over and they all thought that I was married. This is a big thing for them, for months I had said no and they thought I was. The class ended and they walked off shouting and screaming in Korean about me being married. Then, 5 minutes later, Leena called my mobile and asked me one more time if I was married....
Leena: Hi Teacher, It's Leena. Really??? Really??
Toby Teacher: No Leena, I'm not married.
Leena: OK Teacher, I believe you. (she really does believe me)
Very interesting points of view from the 9 year old speaking in her second language. I’m looking forward to many more chats with Leena.
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