I just received my second edition of 'The Guardian Weekly' and I felt obliged to comment on a couple of pointless stories. Before I do so, I would like to state that "I like 'The Guardian Weekly' and think that it's a must for UK expats". I'm not here to bad mouth the publication or be in any way detrimental to the newspaper or the editors within the newspaper...........
Story one:
Scientists, psychologists, men in white suits and many many mosquito fish are collaborating together in the University of Pahua, in Italy. The purpose is to confirm that this specific species of fish can count. Not only can it count, but it can count to the high-rise number of four (4). Wow, was my reaction as I read, whilst peddling on the exercise bike. What fabulous and thought provoking information. It also lead me to my on conclusion on this story. Of course fish can count to 'just' four. They get to four and then forget where they are and have to start again. duh!!
Story Two:
This was a story about the rising number of people living, off the record, in various locations across the UK. The focus was on the suspected number of inhabitants of Heathrow and Gatwick airports. They report that around 30, regular, people doss down at night at Gatwick airport and believe that the number could be 'even higher' at Heathrow. Again, Wow. Although this time it did provoke some genuine interesting thoughts. I wrote my dissertation on 'The Power of the Media on the Mind'; case studies, within my publication, focused on computer games, newspapers, the US news broadcast stations and films, TV etc. My angle was 'who was to blame' for certain documented frailties from those under the influence of the powerful media. So this lead me to my conclusion on this story. Are Steven Spielberg, Tom hanks and Dream Works to blame for the increase in airport inhabitants???? Did their work in the feature film 'The Terminal' glamourise the opportunities to 'consistently stay overnight' in an airport and therefore gradually increasing the numbers???? Maybe!!!
The picture above is of Saint Patrick's Day celebrations in Seoul. Nothing Irish in this picture. Just an opportunity to show off some crafty work using Photoshop.
Love the photo - the shirt should have been green though for St. patrick!!