Today is my one month anniversary. It has flown by.
I have signed a 12 month contract, so just 11 more to go. If they are all as quick as the first then the year will be over before I know it. If that's the case then I will be very tempted to do another year.
I think I have learnt so much already. In fact I know I have. I wasn't the biggest fan of kids before I came, well not so much anti-kids but had no idea how to handle them. This has been a ferocious learning curve in that respect. I'm far more comfortable about the inevitability of being a father now - before I wasn't sure of my ability but now I know I would be a good father. But not just yet........................
So this week we have a field trip on Wednesday and a birthday party on Thursday, so should be a quick week.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week is a national holiday in Korea. It's called Cheusok, which I believe is a thanks giving. So 3 days off, so with Saturday and Sunday it turns into a 5 day holiday. David and I are going to head to a National Park on the East coast. It's supposed to be pretty spectacular with mountains, forest, temples, a coastal stretch and a city.... plus more I would imagine.
After that I believe it's a 10 week stint of 5 day weeks - good huh?!
The picture is of my apartment block. Mine is in the middle facing inwards, on the second floor. So no traffic or street noise, but not much of a view.
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