A train whistles and roars through Oryudong Station (without stopping)
I had my first Korean conversation today. I have, of course, had many short, pre-planned conversations with work colleagues and Korean friends, in the aid of practicing the Korean that I’ve been studying. But today was my first experience in real life, on the road, out in the field, so to speak. I was in the hairdressers, umm, getting my hair cut. It’s the middle of winter here right now. It’s snowing outside, the temperatures are below freezing, but I’m going to
Anyway, back to my point. I had my first impromptu Korean conversation, in the hairdressers, today.
This is the conversation in English. I had this with the hairdresser (her name is yoo bin) ALL in Korean, yes, all of it. When I left the hairdressers I was VERY happy. My hard-work had paid off.
Yoo Bin: Can you speak Korean.
Toby: I can speak a little bit of
Yoo Bin: How long have you been in
Toby: (long pause, digesting the question), One year and 4 months.
Yoo Bin: Do you like
Toby: Yes, I like.
Yoo Bin: Why?
Toby: Umm, I like teacher. Sorry, I mean, I like my job. I like the food. I like people.
Yoo Bin: Good.
She carries on cutting my hair.
Toby: I’m British.
Yoo Bin: Oh, really? Wow. Very good. I like the British.
Toby: Notting Hill??
Yoo Bin: Yes (haha) (every Korean loves Notting Hill film)
She carries on cutting my hair.
Yoo Bin: Do you have any Korean friends?
Toby: Yes, I have lots of Korean friends.
Toby: I have about 10 Korean friends. Do you have any foreign friends?
Yoo Bin: No, I don’t have any foreign friends.
She carries on cutting my hair.
Yoo Bin: Where do you live?
Toby: I live in Oryudong. From here, to Oryudong, it takes 15 minutes by bus. (she was very impressed with this sentence – so was I)
Yoo Bin: I understand.
Toby: Where do you live?
Yoo Bin: I live in Bucheon. It’s two stops away. Do you know?
Toby: Yes, I know.
Toby: Tomorrow, I’m going to go to
Yoo Bin: I don’t understand.
Yoo Bin: I don’t know.
She carries on cutting my hair. She shows me my hair in the mirror.
Toby: Cut a little bit more please.
Yoo Bin: Little bit here?
Toby: Yes, please.
Yoo Bin: Do you like it?
Toby: Yes, I like. Thank you very much.
Toby: Goodbye.
Yoo Bin: Goodbye, have a good day.
Toby/Yoo Bin both nod, bow and smile. Haircut, first Korean conversation completed. Happy days…… Next stop, the madness of
MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone….. Love to all……..xxxxx
A chestnut cooker delicately exhausts some warmly smelling smoke into the crisp air.
Took the opportunity to get the camera out despite the below freezing temps.
Cold outside. Lets play with my camera indoors.