Apologies if my blogging pace is too much for the faint hearted. I just am so bored at the moment that all I can conjure up in my horrible life is a few words on this pitiful web-space. OK, I'm clearly exercising some of my built up wit. As fun and enjoyable that my job is the one thing I do lack is a good old wit battle with (change to Aussie accent) 'the little blighter's'. I'm used to vegging in front of Rick's wide-screen TV, with himself and
Manksi and a constant flow of anecdotes to keep us from turning into the cast of Jeremy Kyle (AKA Rick).
On a slightly alternate tangent, I discovered two rather interesting facts today. The first being simply interesting and the second has a
smidge of humor to it, which is likely to make you forget the first. Here we go.
OK, so a lot of my kids speak in the following sequence. "Hockey Spelling is what?" This clearly should be organised like this "What is the spelling of Hockey" (kind of) - I realised today that because the Korean language is, literally, backwards the kids use their structure when using our English.
I said the second would be slightly more entertaining - so, one of my older kids has a very funny electronic sounding American voice. Most would liken it to our good friend Stephen
Hawkin. Well today I discovered why. For weeks now I just thought that it was his style. I just thought that he spoke slowly and very rigidly to make sure he sounded clear and precise. But, during
today's exchange of vocabulary he pulled out a little hand-held computer and typed in a word and pressed enter, and out come what can only be described as a carbon-copy of his voice. I literally spat out my Aloe Vera juice!! I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He clearly sits at home types in words, sentences and paragraphs and then just recites them to himself in this horrific
electro voice.!!!! I'll be doing my best to convert him into a Hugh Grant sounding gentlemen.
I fear this poor chap is going to grow up with a terrifyingly peculiar, but somewhat unique, language sound.